I’m a yoga teacher, reiki healer, communicator and lifelong learner.
My specialties are smiling with all my body and limitless daydreaming. I speak Italian, English, French, a rusty German and I continue to posticipate the day when I will start studying Spanish properly. But I’ll do it.
I think laughing makes life easier and enthusiasm makes everything taste better. I’m waiting for teleportation to be invented, and in the meanwhile I’m pretty pleased with my legs.
Sound body sound mind, I’m vegan, I sit on my mat every morning and I treat myself – and everyone I meet – as a good friend would do. I believe everyone should be more conscious of his actions and I do my best to make the world a little bit better.
I love direct people, the sound of waves, ginger tea and hiking. I nourish myself with culture and with that feeling of connection that one finds by reading a book. And then another book, and another one. From my past, I would keep my quiet afternoons at the stone beach and my grandma’s apple pie.
I don’t like asking for help, long nails and mayo.
My strongest dream is a place, a community and a life from which I won’t need any holiday break. I couldn’t find it, so I decided to build it. It’s an ongoing open experiment full of passion, serendipity and with the best intentions. Follow my progress and come visit at www.yogacara.it.
Am I allowed to say…”I’m impressed!!!”.
Brava Giorgia!
Ciao Giorgia
ti andrebbe di essere intervistata da Italiansinfuga.com sulla tua esperienza di studente a Londra?
Ciao Giorgia,ho letto il tuo articolo su Italiansinfuga e vorrei farti qualche domanda.Ti lascio la mia mail,spero tu mi risponda.
Sono contento di aver scoperto il tuo blog.
Spero di incontrati presto sul mio. 🙂
grazie, andrò a vedere il tuo e le tue foto 🙂
Ciao Giorgia vorrei contattarti per farti conoscere un progetto che sto realizzando insieme ad altri ragazzi. Considerando i tuoi interessi potresti esserne interessata.
p.s. proprio bello il blog
Buon lavoro
Ciao! grazie, sono curiosissima di sapere di che si tratta! scrivimi pure a [email protected], oppure su facebook 🙂
Ciao Giorgia grazie al tuo blog potrò arricchire una lezione di geografia sulla foresta di Bialowieza alla mia classe domani!
Brava! Buon lavoro, Miriam