What I do

Enthusiast and intuitive learner, I combine a background in journalism and comprehensive knowledge of new media, with a passion for traveling, yoga and nature. I am Yoga teacher (900h YA), I practice Reiki energy healing (Reiki II) and I develop communication and social projects.

I teach Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga, following the tradition of Sri Yogendra, founder of The Yoga Institute (Mumbai). Yoga is most importantly philosophy and lifestyle, which I encourage to apply every day in order to maintain a balanced state of mind and a happy life.

I collaborate with a studio for which I develop heartfelt communication strategies and produce engaging content on yoga, meditation, healing and holistic wellbeing. Responsible, organised and flexible, I work well remotely and under deadlines, both in team and independently. Curious, passionate and open-minded, I see my professional and personal life as enriching journeys: every experience is a way to grow and get new competences.

Recently I founded the cultural holistic association Yogacara, promoting a healthy lifestyle, living in respect of nature and sharing the benefits of Yoga. At the moment I am giving Yoga classes in a few studios near Genova (Italy), planning some events and building a Yoga Retreat Centre in this area. More on my project at www.yogacara.it.

I’m looking for new opportunities, focusing on yoga, social change and travelling. Follow me on Linkedin and stay tuned.


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