Capitale della vita mondana e frequentata da vip e personaggi del mondo della moda, ma anche città universitaria che attira giovani da tutta Europa, Milano offre una vastissima scelta di discoteche, dove ballare fino al mattino sulle note dei deejay più bravi. Differenti per target e tipo di musica, le discoteche vanno da quelle più chic a quelle più alla buona o le più trasgressive, per accontentare tutti i gusti.

Tra quelle legate alle sfilate e agli eventi di moda, frequentate soprattutto da un pubblico fashion, ci sono il Just Cavalli, vicino a Parco Sempione, e l’Armani in via Montenapoleone. Per gli indecisi, meglio scegliere una zona come quella di corso Como, dove si concentrano le discoteche e i locali più in voga, tra cui l’Hollywood, il Tocqueville e l’Eleven Club.

Sulla stessa linea un po’ chic, anche il Gattopardo, vicino a corso Sempione e il Le Banque, a pochi passi dal Duomo, rispettivamente ricavate in una chiesa sconsacrata e in una ex banca, dove imponenti marmi e specchiere si abbinano a grandi lampadari che rendono l’atmosfera davvero suggestiva.

Clientela più giovane al Limelight, al Divina, al The Club, famoso per l’omonimo programma televisivo in cui ragazzi in cerca di amici si presentano attraverso brevi e divertenti video, e all’Old Fashion, che ha un grazioso spazio all’esterno dove trascorrere le lunghe e calde notti estive.

Tra i locali alternativi, il Plastique è sicuramente un da provare per chi ama lo stile eclettico, la musica underground e l’atmosfera trasgressiva gay e bisessuale. Chi invece ama scatenarsi senza dare troppo peso al look, troverà pane per i propri denti all’Alcatraz, che diventa discoteca dopo i concerti di apertura e i Magazzini Generali, dove suonano deejay di fama internazionale.


When my friend told me that he was planning a surprise party for his graduation in Venice, I didn’t expect he would rent a boat for a weekend of never-ending fun all around the laguna and the canals.

After the graduation ceremony, a rapid walk in the labyrinth of streets and a generous lunch in a very homely bar, we rushed on a couple of ferries loaded with food and drinks – more drinks than food – wondering where we were directed.

First through the canals and then in the open laguna until we reached the little isle of Burano, with its tiny multicoloured houses, where our boat was waiting for us. Partying at the sunset was only the beginning of the 24h-long party in Venice.

Put 15 people on a 8-people boat, add drinks and excitement, and you’ll have this special event. Not a real cultural holiday, but still appealing.

I saw the touristic city from a different perspective, the one of students: five of our group have been studying in Venice for years at the well-known IUAV University of Architecture, coming from other big cities like Florence and Bolzano, and told us some stories of their period there.

Very cheap houses to share in the centre of the city, bars at every corner, very few criminality, clean streets and wonderful setting. Plus, no cars, no police and no alcohol tests, which, translated, means a lot of fun. If there weren’t fog and high water in winter, it could be the perfect city for students.

The point is, if you want to visit Venice, don’t follow the classic touristic tour, but rent a boat and randomly sail to some unconventional places in this fascinating setting.


The Italian crisis seen from postgraduate students in Milan

Picture: roby_zihan

How long do today’s youths have to study to reach their career goals? How much internship do they need to do before getting a job?  These are the questions everyone was wondering to ask at the Career day, yesterday at the public University of Milan.

The event was made to put in contact students and recruiter from different companies. Danone, L’Oréal, McDonald’s, Polymedia, Allianz, Birra Peroni were some of the 100 national and international brands represented in the main cloister of the building. At 11.30, young people asking for consultation and leaving CVs surrounded every stand.

Monica, 22-years-old student of marketing, was totally excited: “I wish I printed more copies of my CV, I’d give it to half the desks here!” However, a part from her and a few second-year-students, disappointment was in the air.

Applying for as many positions as possible is one of the most popular strategies. Sadly, the competition is so high that you never know how many companies will respond. “They told me they’ll let me know as soon as possible, but I don’t know if they’ll even look at my profile,” said Francesco, 24, student of pharmacy.

Continue reading “STILL INTERNSHIP”


Although overseas students bring into UK economy up to £10 billion every year and the majority don’t stay in the country permanently, young Britons feel threatened by migration, said a new poll by Ipsos Mori.

“The government sets the number for home students,” said Right2education on the Guardian online, adding “by lowering target numbers for abroad students there’s a possibility of increasing the numbers for us British. The financial side is a whole separate issue”

And Geoff1963 followed him: “Who cares about foreign students?? I care about English.”